Lunar New Year

students wearing chinese hats

Ghyll Royd pupils of all ages enjoyed celebrating the Lunar New Year this week.

Our Early Years children learnt about the holiday and why it is celebrated. In Little Adventurers the boys and girls made concertina dragons. The children loved mixing together the yellow and red colours in their tuff tray. The sensory tray had red envelopes and Chinese coins which the class filled. The Nursery class also made decorative Chinese lanterns.

In Great Explorers the class looked at all the different animals in the Zodiac and identified which ‘Year of the…’ it was when they were born. Their water tray had been replaced with oodles of noodles to tweeze, squeeze and grab. The children made a big dragon display which decorated the dining hall this week and enjoyed Zodiac yoga. In their Maths activity the Great Explorers ordered Chinese dragons by length, cutting them out and sticking them down on paper.

In Reception, the class tried on traditional Chinese dress and made dragons in their Art class. They learnt the story of the Zodiac and re-told the story during carpet time.

Form 1 enjoyed sampling traditional Chinese food in class, which went down very well! They tasted spring rolls and noodles during their lesson.

The whole school enjoyed a tasty lunch of Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice and Prawn Crackers to celebrate the day. The dining hall also shared their well wishes with Coco, our brilliant catering assistant who comes from China. She is a wonderful friend and valuable member of the Ghyll Royd community.

How did you celebrate Chinese New Year? Let us know!