Mother’s Day Tea Party

students on mothers day tea party

Mums and grandmas were treated to a Mother’s Day concert last week. Children in Early Years up to Year 2 sang, danced, played instruments and performed to an audience of their loved ones in our annual Mother’s Day Tea Party.

The event began with teas and cakes before the children stepped onto the stage in the school hall. Our youngest pupils waved and smiled as they sang to their mummies. Then Reception and Music teacher Mrs Evans performed the song they wrote as a class. Each child contributed with what they loved most about their mum to form the song’s lyrics.

Children who attend the weekly ballet classes put together a beautiful performance with Miss Becky. A trio of pianists in Key Stage 1 played the songs they have learnt with Mrs Richards.

Years 1 and 2 sang and performed a mini musical called ‘Croak’. Speedy the tadpole is sad because he can’t sing along with the froggy chorus. However, one day strange things begin to happen to him as he starts to turn into a frog! The children played their parts magnificently and the songs had a lovely message about perseverance.

The concert ended with a few words from Mr Martin before children went over to their mums and grandmas to deliver handmade gifts. We had necklaces, penguin pottery, toadstools and cards to share. The Mother’s Day Tea Party was a fabulous event. Thank you to the teachers and children for such a beautiful afternoon.