Pupils at Ghyll Royd School are sorted into one of three houses:
- Nelson
- Rodney
- Drake

School house emblems for Nelson, Rodney, and Drake
The houses are named after naval officers, tying in with our beginnings as a school which prepared boys to enter the navy. Children compete as a team to earn house points, and have a house buddy to help them settle into school. Siblings are sorted into the same house.
Nelson’s column is a popular tourist attraction in London, Sir Francis Drake is a well known explorer, but not much was known about Rodney in our initial research.
Form 6 pupil Harry S created a brilliant lesson during our ‘Teacher Takeover Week’ in the Summer term which revealed facts about the three admirals:
About Drake:
Name: Sir Francis Drake
- He was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. (1577-1580)
- He was knighted by the Queen as a reward.
- His journey around the world was not just for discovery. He also had a secret agreement with the Queen to raid Spanish ships.
- He died at sea aged 55.
Statue to Sir Francis Drake and the Naval War Memorial at Plymouth Hoe, Devon, England.
About Nelson:
Name: Horatio Nelson
- He was only twelve when he joined the Navy!
- Nelson is one of the most famous Naval officers.
- He was sea sick for the whole of his career.
- He died at the age of forty seven.
- When he died at the battle of Trafalgar, to preserve his body back to England they stuffed him in a cask of Brandy!
Nelson’s Column, located in Trafalgar Square, London
About Rodney:
Name: George Rodney
- Rodney was also very young when he joined the Navy at the age of fourteen!
- Rodney was the least famous of our Naval Admirals.
- He lived until the age of 74.
- Rodney’s Column is in Wales.
- There is a memorial to him in St Paul’s Cathedral
Admiral Rodney’s Pillar is a monument on Breidden Hill in Powys, Wales.
Ghyll Royd is built on traditional values, many of which still exist today. We encourage children to challenge themselves and do our best to make learning feel like an adventure!