Archives - Page 14

Leaving Year 6 class pose for photo with their teacher on last day

End of Year Celebration 2018

Ghyll Royd Pupils, parents, staff and governors gathered in the school’s multipurpose hall on Friday 13th July to celebrate the end of another brilliant school year. After being welcomed in by the sound of Form 3’s recorder playing, the celebration...

Group shot of all children jumping in the air in their handmade kilts

Kilted Out!

Forms 5 and 6 have created their very own kilts with Mrs Smith in their Art lessons this term. With the help of the wonderful Mrs Cook, the children have created these brilliant garments which they kindly modeled for us...

Young children enjoying a sack race on their school's sports day

Ghyll Royd Sports Day 2018

Ghyll Royd School and Pre-School hosted its annual Sports Day at Greystone Manor on Friday 6th July. The sun was shining for another day and football fever was in the air. Due to the hot conditions, Sports Day was split...

Nursery pupil carries bucket full of potatoes

Little Adventurers’ Plant Nursery

Children in our Little Adventurers class excitedly dug up the potatoes they have been growing in their playground’s vegetable patch. The potato plant has been tended to by the 2-3 year old children with regular watering in this hot and...


Year 6 Storytellers

Form 6 pupils got creative making their own storybooks in their last few English lessons at Ghyll Royd. They could choose any topic, genre or idea they wanted to explore. Each child pitched a story idea to the class and...


Go Fund Gabriel!

HELP FUND THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME FOR GABRIEL Form 2 pupil Gabriel, 7, has been golfing for the past 2.5 years after taking an interest from a very young age. It was clear from the beginning that Gabriel had...


Football Fever!

The 2018 World Cup has got everyone talking – even our Pre-School children! Great Explorers have loved expanding their knowledge of the world by learning more about the different competing teams. The class cheered on England by having their faces...


Pre-School Pilots

Little Adventurers and Reception had a fabulous trip to Leeds Bradford Airport last week. We were made to feel very welcome at the ‘Multiflight Café’ where we were treated to milk, water and biscuits on arrival! We sat and watched...

The Tempest Cast Member

Evie Tours with ‘Tosca’!

Congratulations to Evie in Form 6! Following a successful audition process, Evie will be performing with Opera North in their production of ‘Tosca’. The Autumn performances run from 16th September to 16th November in Leeds, Manchester, Hull, Newcastle and Nottingham!...


Sew Talented!

Textiles lessons began this term for Forms 3 and 4. Miss Smith has been busy updating and developing Ghyll Royd’s creative curriculum with different art forms including pottery, textiles, digital art and more! Forms 3 and 4 used a technique...