Archives - Page 7

We are Finalists!

Ghyll Royd School, Pre-School and Nursery has been announced as a finalist in the Independent Schools of the Year Awards 2020. This is the third time the Burley-in-Wharfedale school has been shortlisted in the awards, and the second consecutive year...

Headteacher David Martin sat on bench with Head pupils

Mr Martin’s End of Year Message

Dear Parents, As I write to you at the end of our 130th year, I reflect positively on the way our school community has persevered to deliver excellent education and a happy learning environment throughout the testing circumstances which began...


Lockdown sports

We know that keeping active is good for your physical and mental health! At Ghyll Royd School, our children enjoy an average of 10 hours of physical activity each week through play times, PE, games afternoons, swimming, fixtures, gymnastics and...

Ilkley Primary School films VE Day video

Pupils at Ghyll Royd Primary School in Burley-in-Wharfedale virtually got together to celebrate VE Day this week. Due to the school’s own celebrations being cancelled, the staff at Ghyll Royd wanted to boost morale within the school community by working...


Visit our Virtual Assembly

We have been sharing weekly news in an online format. We usually meet every Friday for an Achievement Assembly where we celebrate: Fantastic work Extracurricular achievements Demonstratrions of School Values Kindness Talent Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, the children at...


Primary School Places 2020

Hundreds of local schoolchildren receive their Primary School places on Thursday 16th April. This is an exciting time for parents as they wait to find out where their child will be attending from September. However, with growing state school pupil...


Headteacher’s Blog

Message from Mr Martin 03-04-2020 Good Afternoon, Thank you for making me so proud! The end of term is usually a crescendo of assemblies, house point collation, musical performances, assessments and reports squeezed into the space of a few short weeks....