Category Archives: School News - Page 41


Exploring our environment

As part of the Form 2 learning challenge, we are learning all about: ‘What is and where is our environment?’ We’ve been talking about the different environments we live in including our homes, towns and the school. In this week’s learning challenge...


Latest Sports News

We’ve had another sport-filled Wednesday at Ghyll Royd. The Girls Netball team went across to Belmont Grosvenor whilst our U9 and U11 football teams played at home. We also had a very special visit from cricket coach Dave Cooper. GRS...


Happy Chinese New Year

This week in Early Years we have been learning about the traditions and customs of China to celebrate Chinese New Year. Through painting, colouring, listening, tasting, dancing and much more, we have learnt many things about the Chinese culture. Learning about...

Gymnastics Silver

Congratulations to Phoebe and Sienna who competed and gained a Silver Medal at the Ilkley Olicana Gymnastics Club Regional Acrobatics Competition, held at Ghyll Royd School and Pre-School. Phoebe and Sienna performed together as a pair performing a very tight accomplished...


Celebrating International Week

Children throughout the school have been celebrating International Week, with each year group selecting a country on which to focus. To compliment their learning about Chinese New Year , children within Early Years chose to learn about China. They learnt...


EYFS Science and Innovation Trip

On a trip to the National Media Museum our EYFS children were given the opportunity to explore fascinating objects and stimulating interactive exhibits to help them learn about and engage with media. The children explored film and television animation. Optical...

Rugby Skills Workshop

On a fine, but chilly winters afternoon, children from seven to eleven years old were joined by other local schools, to try out their rugby skills under the watchful eye of Dan Cook (Director of Rugby at Giggleswick School) and...


Eco Art Sculpture

As part of Eco Week,  children in KS2 studied the work of Dale Chihuly the renowned artist who’s is internally recognised for his exceptional and vibrant sculptures that are formed using traditional glass blowing techniques. The children collected a wide...

Early Years Learning

Have a look at some examples of the wonderful work going on in our Early Years. Fantastic pictures using hands and natural materials, drizzled glue and then sprinkled glitter to add sparkle to the picture. Ordering numbers, independently mixing dough to make...