Tag Archives: education - Page 9


Bolton Abbey Trip

Form 6 enjoyed a fabulous trip out to Bolton Abbey on Wednesday 13th July. As part of their post-SATs Enrichment Week, the class enjoyed a trip to the Abbey where they explored the beautiful grounds before diving right in with...


Form 5’s Fire Safety Talk

Ghyll Royd School’s Form 5 class were visited by two members of the local fire service for a safety talk. Two firefighters from Otley Fire Station arrived at Ghyll Royd and were introduced to Mr Nicholson’s class. The visitors brought...


At the Car Wash!

With the hot, sunny weather shining down on Greystone Manor, the Little Adventurers needed cooling down. Cue lots of fun play and splashing in water! The children love playing with the many cars, trains, buses and bikes in the Little...

Pupils celebrate their silver trophy win at the inter schools swimming gala

Inter Schools Swimming Gala 2018

Well done to our superb swimming team who raced against local primary school pupils in this year’s Inter Schools Swimming Gala. The always highly anticipated gala allows children to make the most of their swimming ability and compete together as...


Star Golfer Heads to Scotland!

Gabriel in Form 2 is all set for the US Kids European Golf Championships this week after a brilliant few weeks in training and in local competitions. Gabriel competed a couple of weeks ago at Leeds Golf Centre on the...


Discovery Day Fun!

During the latest Discovery Day, Key Stage One pupils learnt about the ways creatures change and grow. Children spent the full day focusing on the life cycle of the caterpillar through Music, Forest Schools, English and Computing. In Science, pupils...


Drink Up!

Form 4 opened their own bars in the courtyard last week. The class has been learning about capacities in their Mathematics lesson and were tasked with creating two mocktail drinks that needed to be 250ml exactly. Using tubes and measuring...

Pretty in Print!

Forms 5 and 6 are starting to see their lino printing turn into Tartan! For their learning topic all about the Stuarts, pupils have been making scottish kilts using lino and paint on cotton fabric. The printing process takes time...