Tag Archives: Ilkley - Page 11


Bluebells in Bloom!

Great Explorers went to see the bluebells in full bloom in Middleton Woods on Thursday. Off they went on the Ghyll Royd minibus to go explore and play in the beautiful local woodland. Mrs Johnson guided the children down the...


Stay and Play – 04.05.2018

We celebrated the Tour de Yorkshire in our Stay and Play session last Friday by colouring in pictures of cyclists in their colourful jerseys! Out in the Little Adventurer playground, we scooted up on down on trikes, bikes, buggies, cars...


Handwriting Competition Winner

Sophie in Form 4 impressed Rotary Club members with her beautiful handwriting! The annual Ilkley Rotary Club Handwriting Competition encourages schoolchildren in Year 4 to submit handwritten pieces to display their best penmanship. There is an overall winning school and...


Walk This Way!

Children in Form 4 are researching ways we can save energy. Pupils are collating evidence in school and at home to share ways in which we can all do our bit for the environment. Forms 3 and 4 toured Ghyll...

A pupil awaiting her fate after she has pleaded her case to the sorting hat in English lesson

Form 6 Pupils Accepted to Hogwarts!

Children in Form 6 have all received their entrance letters to Hogwarts this week! Mr Coleman and Mrs Marshall have been teaching the class all about the brilliant fantasy story of Harry Potter. In their most recent English lesson, pupils...

Children smiling as they pull the parachute up and down

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

Great Explorers and Reception joined visitors from the local area on a bear hunt with Pyjama Drama! Elizabeth Archer from Pyjama Drama came into school on Friday to perform with the children. After setting the stage, collecting our imaginary tickets,...

Two pupils searching for different plants

Plant Spotting!

Forms 3 and 4 have been learning about living things and their environments. In their science lessons this week they have been focusing on how the plant kingdom could be divided into smaller groups. They discussed the four groups which...


Wednesday Welly Walk!

On our Wednesday welly walk, Great Explorers and Reception went on a minibeast hunt! We’re learning about minibeasts this term. Great Explorers are focusing on dragonflies, butterflies, snails and ladybirds, whilst Reception are asking the question: ‘are all minibeasts scary?’...