Tag Archives: Ilkley - Page 16

Sweetie Snowmen

Reception class mixed, moulded and made snowmen in their Learning Challenge lesson as they discover more about Winter. In the creating and baking segment of their learning challenge, pupils mixed icing sugar with condensed milk and desiccated coconut to create...

S-swings A-and S-slides!

Great Explorers are s-sounding out ‘a’ and ‘s’ in their phonics lessons this week. We have been learning about the ‘a’ sound and the ‘s’ sound. We coloured in an ‘S’ shaped snake, and using the whiteboard we drew out...

Swedish Pen Pals

Children from Rångedala School, an elementary school in Borås, Sweden have sent letters to our Form 6 class. The letter exchange was organised by Ghyll Royd’s Specialist Art Teacher Miss Smith and Rångedala’s Art Teacher Ms Nicola Fast. Pupils have...


World Religion Day 2018

Each Form explored the beliefs and traditions of a different religion for World Religion Day last week. In Forms 1 and 2, pupils focused on Buddhism. The children looked at the Eightfold Path: the eight different ways of practicing Buddhism...


Which Carries More Water?

Reception’s learning challenge topic this term focuses on Winter Weather. In their Maths lesson, pupils used their own bottles to see which container held more water. The children would fill up their water bottles from the tap then pour it...


Stay and Play – 19.01.2018

We’ve had a brilliant start to 2018 in our Early Years department. Little Adventurers have lots of newly turned 2 year olds attending nursery for the very first time. We’ve also welcomed new faces to our Stay and Play sessions....

Pupils LOVE Tennis Workshop

Following in the footsteps of Yorkshire tennis star Kyle Edmund, this week Key Stage One pupils enjoyed a workshop with a local pro. Adam from Ilkley Tennis Club coached children in Reception, Form 1 and Form 2 the basics of...